Saturday, April 20, 2013

Women's Conference
Breaking Strongholds & Finding Freedom!

The women's conference this weekend was more than we could have ever asked or imagined! Many women were set free from many different strongholds. God did some deep and miraculous work to free women from fear, enslaving thinking, pain, lies, wrong views of God, and only He knows what else.

As keynote speak, Marti Scudder, MDI President (pictured above in teal), saw the Lord weave the theme of her talk throughout each seminar and testimony of the conference.  The overall theme of the conference was:

God's freedom for his daughters

The conference ended beautifully with the presentation of a handmade necklaces of pearls signifying each woman as the "bride of Christ".  This small token had great meaning for the women as each accepted her true identity to walk as a daughter of the King, with the words "I receive this truth!"

Thank you all for being with Marti & Dede in spirit and for your prayers for your sisters in Ukraine, who are praying the Lord's blessings on you!