Monday, February 11, 2008

MDI Prayer Update

Dear MDI Friends:

MDI is flying to Ukraine on Monday, February 11 and will be there through February 23, 2008. This team includes Steve Lorenz, Terry Warren, Tina Weir and me and we desire your prayer coverage as we go as your ministry partners.

We spend the first week in Kiev concentrating our time on Radooga and also New Life Church . We are helping Radooga develop their staff team through one on one meetings with their leadership and their team as a whole. We are advising them on organizing their infrastructure. Terry Warren specializes in this area and will be a tremendous asset to Radooga. Tina Weir has just started a ministry to orphans, widows and single moms, and will be spending much of her time visiting orphanages, and meeting with people interested in serving those groups. This is her first time to Ukraine so pray that God gives her a heart connection to the people in this country. We also look forward to coming alongside New Life Church as they continue to go through the building process. Pray that our words will be directed by the Holy Spirit in each and every situation.

Then we are going to Odessa on February 19 to spend time with our friends, Paul and Tania Becker, who work with an orphanage there. We also have several other meetings lined up with pastors, and others as we want to continue to develop our relationships with them. We are spending a day in Belgorod-D’nestrovsky visiting the medical clinic, church and orphanage that we have been involved with for 12 years! Let our words and our presence be an encouragement!

We pray that we live lives worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way, bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might so that we may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light. (Colossians 1: 10-12)

Thank you for praying and standing in the gap for us.

Going with you and for you,

Marti Scudder for the MDI team

Friday, February 8, 2008

Press Release

Today the Board of Directors of Missions Development International (MDI) announced the merger of SOZO International with Founder, Randall (Randy) Morgan, into MDI. Randy will assume the responsibilities of Director of Ministry Development and serve on the Board of Directors.

MDI engages individuals, ministries, and churches to discover God's calling and helps them grow to their full potential. MDI's roles include those of mentor, advisor, consultant, strategic planner, recruiter, resource developer, and encourager as part of the transformation process. MDI also recruits, trains and leads teams to serve MDI conferences in Ukraine.

SOZO is focused on training and equipping young leaders throughout Eastern Europe. Among SOZO events is the SOZO Festival, an annual event that has brought together thousands of people from more than 50 nations over the past ten years to be trained, encouraged, and challenged in unity and reconciliation, nationally and denominationally.

Marti Scudder, MDI President, and Steve Lorenz, MDI CEO and Board Chairman, are very excited to have Randy join the staff and partner with them. With this merger, MDI’s focus expands into all of Eastern Europe.

The Board of Directors include: Mr. & Mrs. Brook Bishop, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Burton, Mr. & Mrs. Woody Camp, Rev. Roy Carter, Rev. & Mrs. Kaluzhny, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Lorenz, Mr. Jeffrey McCandless, Mr. Randall Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Nischan, Mr. & Mrs. Don Orr, Mr. & Mrs. Steve Rutenbar, Dr. & Mrs. Gary Scudder, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Stadler, Mr. & Mrs. Terry Warren.