Sunday, June 26, 2011


Prague Trip

We had a wonderful time meeting with Scott Koch and discussing the new leadership development project that he is working on in Prague, Czech Republic. Scott introduced us to his very talented team of volunteers that are working together to make this ministry happen.

Together, we mapped out a beginning strategy and will be returning to Prague this Fall to discuss the future direction of the ministry.

We are really excited to see what the Lord has in store for Scott and this Godly group of people. Please be praying with us that God would reveal His plan for the next steps.

JTF Conference

The Journey to Freedom Conference (JTF) in Odessa, Ukarine was a huge success! Many connections were made in Odessa and in Kiev, both with individuals interested in joining groups and with church partners who can help spread the program to other parts of the city and eventually the rest of the country. We even did a model group meeting with pastors from New Life Church in Kiev.

Scott Reall and Jason Hancock were instrumental in opening doors for MDI to pastors by speaking of the gospel foundation of Journey to Freedom and sharing their personal stories. God truly blessed their willingness to share and opened hearts through the process.

Marti, Steve, Scott and Jason’s time with the JTF Ukraine Team was such a wonderful time of encouragement. It was instrumental for both Jason & Scott to see the impact that JTF has had in Ukraine and also for the Ukraine Team to get to share their journey with founder of the program.

We had a valuable time of strategic planning with Tanya Baranova and Sasha Sapego to discuss the next steps in the future of JTF Ukraine.

Many thanks to Tanya Baranova and her team for all of their careful planning for the conference in Odessa. They all did a tremendous job and we are grateful to them!

Praise the Lord for His many blessings in and through this trip!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Kiev Update from Marti...

Yesterday was an important day! We had a deep and forward looking conversation with Tanya Baranova and Sasha Sapego as we closed out our strategic planning time with them. We are one team on different sides of the ocean and working together!

We then drove to Kiev -- a long day through the Ukrainian countryside. I am staying with Sveta Boiko and the guys are staying in an apartment building next door. Last night we had dinner with MDI missionary, Josh Ingram, and then strolled along the river. We ended with a great prayer time all together. Josh is doing very well and it was fascinating hearing his stories of adjusting to life in a new country (he arrived in April.)

Today we meet with a pastor this morning who runs different rehab centers. Then we spend the rest of the day with Anatoly Kaluzhny and leaders at New Life Church.

Thank you for praying!

Marti Scudder

Monday, June 13, 2011

Stories from JTF Team in Ukraine!

"This photo is from entering the church where the JTF conference was held. It was a huge success both with individuals interested in joining groups and with church partners who can help spread the program to other parts of the city and eventually the rest of the country. I know we've talked about how this little program from the Green Hills YMCA, is changing lives in Ukraine...but I am seeing it with my own eyes and it is truly amazing." - Jason Hancock

Pictured: Scott at Trinity Church in Ukraine

"As you can imagine, we are moving at breakneck pace! Each day is more intense and fuller than the one before. We are all overflowing with God's blessings and experiences. We have spent hours with Tanya Baranova and Sasha Sapego thinking through strategic planning for JTF Ukraine. We have had meals with different missionaries. We spent time in Palermo in a gypsy village with a young pastor who ministers to the gypsies. Poverty like you would not believe. Later this afternoon we had a time of prayer over this very humble and called pastor. We also met with the Presbyterian church pastors. And then this evening was a dinner for Journey to Freedom small group alumni! It was incredible! At the end when we all gathered, holding hands and the words to Amazing Grace floated up in Russian and English, it was a glimpse of heaven." - Marti Scudder

JTF Alumni Dinner: "Tonight was such a blessing! After Scott and Jason spoke to the alumni of journey to Freedom, each of them spoke back to Scott thanking him for the transformation that has happened in their lives because of his book. It was a very special God-centered time. The food wasn't bad either!" - Steve Lorenz

"As Scott and I were getting ready to sit down at the little cafe across from our apartment, a young woman approached us and asked 'Are you Scott Reall?' We were completely blown away. Here we are on the other side of the world and this woman recognizes Scott.

The girl in the photograph is Sasha, a graduate of one of Tanya's first Journey To Freedom classes and a waitress at Scott's new favorite cafe. I had the privilege of visiting with Sasha after the conference today and hearing a little bit about why she joined the group. Without disclosing too much, Sasha lives at home and her father is a terrible alcoholic who is abusive to his family. As I stood in the church today and visited with her, all I could do was say "Thank you Lord, that there is a place where she can find some hope and healing."
-Jason Hancock

Thank you for all your prayers!

Friday, June 10, 2011

JTF Conference TODAY! Please Pray!

Our JTF Conference is TODAY,

Pray for our Conference!
We are currently at our Journey to Freedom (JTF) Conference in Odessa, Ukraine and are so excited to see what the Lord has in store for us today. JTF Founder, Scott Reall and JTF Chairman, Jason Hancock are sharing their personal stories and the life-transforming work that God has done through this powerful program.

Please pray:

1. Pray that our conference would go smoothly and pray for the hearts of the people who are attending that the Lord would open them up to the potential that Journey to Freedom holds for their churches.

2. Pray for our Ukrainian JTF Team as they host the conference.

3. Pray for our translators that the Lord would direct their translations.

4. Pray for all of the one-on-one conversations that we will have throughout the day and above all, pray that the Lord's Will be done in all these things.

Thank you for all your prayers!

Steve Lorenz Marti Scudder
CEO President

Doctors, start praying!

"We had an interesting meeting yesterday with a well-known doctor in Odessa. He had attended our Morals and Ethics Conference in March. His response to us was, "This is exactly what the doctors and nurses need in Ukraine! Why are you just doing this for teachers?"

Yesterday he reiterated his desire to have us bring a medical team. He said he would organize it and raise the funds for it. So doctors, start praying!"

Steve & Marti

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pray for our JTF Team leaving TODAY!!

Our team is leaving TODAY,

Pray for our Trip!
We are taking founder Scott Reall and Jason Hancock to Ukraine to expand the ministry of Journey to Freedom to impact lives and share the message of building healing communities within the churches of Ukraine. You can still support our conference expenses by clicking here.
Please pray:
1. For our Team: For protection, favor, blessings and health for our team and for their families that they are leaving behind. Pray that God will move in the lives of our team and prepare their hearts, minds and spirits for ministry.
2. For our Guests: Pray for God to prepare the hearts of the people attending the conference and the people the team will be meeting with one-on-one in Kiev and in Odessa, Ukraine.
3. For our Hosts: Pray for our Ukrainian Team that has made all of the plans and is building the foundation for the relationships to be made at this conference. Pray for energy, encouragement, wisdom and protection over them and the plans that they have set in place.
4. For Journey to Freedom: Pray that the Lord would open doors through this conference to spread the ministry of Journey to Freedom throughout Ukraine.
5. For our Time in Prague: Pray for Heather Karls, our Operations Manager, as she will be meeting us in Prague and pray for wisdom and discernment and a great time of fellowship in meeting with a potential new ministry partner, Scott Koch and his team.
Thank you for all your prayers!
Steve Lorenz,
Marti Scudder,
Heather Karls,
Operations Manager

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Our team is leaving NEXT WEEK and

We still need to raise $1,930
We are taking founder Scott Reall and Jason Hancock to Ukraine to expand the ministry of Journey to Freedom to impact lives and share the message of building healing communities within the churches of Ukraine. Please click the donate button to support this conference!