Monday, December 21, 2009

Moving forward into 2010

All of us at MDI want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  We look forward to your partnership as we move forward into 2010.
2009 has been a busy and exciting year for us at MDI!  With your support our ministry has strengthened and moved in some exciting new directions; all to see more lives transformed by the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Here are some highlights:
  • Spring Women's Conferences - In April, Marti Scudder, Steve Lorenz, and Board member Beverly Warren led a team of five strong women ready to share their lives and faith with women in Ukraine.  MDI held conferences in three cities and helped to inspire thousands of women across the country.
  • Journey to Freedom - MDI completed publication of this Gospel-centered program focused on breaking life-controlling issues into the Russian language, and MDI staff members Tanya Baranova and Sergey Bermas are leading small groups for men and women in Odessa, Ukraine.
  • Radooga Orphan Camps - In addition to our regular client work with Radooga throughout the year, staff member Russell Anderson coordinated a team of 12 to share the Gospel and love of Christ with hundreds of orphans at a camp in Kharkov, Ukraine.
  • SOZO Festival in England - In July, Randy Morgan led the 12th annual SOZO Festival, the first in England, and the first in partnership with MDI. The festival promotes reconciliation among the nations through worship, prayer and multi-cultural fellowship.
  • Loza conferences - MDI helped Loza widen its presence in the former Soviet Union, as they held several conferences in 2009, such as "Communism to Consumerism - Where is God?" in Ukraine and "Life: An Honest Look, An Exploration of the Arts" in the nation of Georgia.
  • New website launched! - MDI is proud to announce the all-new!
In addition, our core ministry to MENTOR, CONSULT, and EQUIP leaders and individuals in service of the Gospel of Jesus Christ continues with clients all over the world.  None of this could have been accomplished without your support of our mission through prayer and finances.  But we have only scratched the surface!
We are planning to greatly expand our outreach in 2010, and we need your help!  This letter marks the beginning of our ANNUAL FUND CAMPAIGN.  Our goal is to raise $250,000 in 2010 to fund our mission and expand our core ministry, as well as the initiatives we have begun in response to the overwhelming need of the communities we serve.
Your gift of $25, $50, $100 or more is critical to our mission.  Please prayerfully consider a donation to MDI and together we can work to spread the Gospel further in 2010!
In His name,

Marti Scudder
Missions Development International

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

World AIDS Day

December 1 is World AIDS Day

Ukraine has the fastest growing HIV/AIDS epidemic in Europe

Find out how MDI is working to prevent the spread of this terrible disease in Ukraine and beyond.  Visit now to learn more and support this effort.