Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Christian Morals & Ethics Update...

On our first Christian Morals & Ethic (CME) Trip we were able to reach over 200 teachers with the tools to teach CME in the public school classrooms and to encourage them as to the benefits this curriculum can have for the future generations of Ukraine.

This was an incredibly encouraging time of seeing God’s hand move in every way from securing a new venue one week before the conference to making sure not one person’s luggage was lost in transit. Here is what some of our American teachers had to say:

"An amazing experience, our trip to Ukraine was marked by God's care from start to finish. In spite of resistance, God opened doors, and through this teaching conference allowed many teachers and college students the opportunity to hear about the life-changing power of Christ, which can affect a classroom (and thus a community) for good. Our team bonded with each other, our translators, and the many amazing people we met. God intimately accompanied us. As is always the case in God's economy, we received far more than we could give, and we left Ukraine changed, including a more global view of God's plan." - Kendra Posey

"The moment I stood behind a microphone and looked out at all those teachers' faces, I realized I was a very small person in God's really big world; It was an indescribable privilege to partner with some of the future leaders of Ukrainian education. These men and women were at the conference even in the face of opposition to learn about teaching using Christian morals and ethics. I learned from them the first of many lessons from the trip; God is larger than any government." - Carey Dincauze

Despite mounting opposition, both conference went on as scheduled. And even though we are not being permitted to give an alter call from stage at the conference due to governmental sensitivities, one of our US teachers was still able to pray with a Ukrainian teacher individually to receive Christ, plus many questions about Jesus were asked at break times! Praise God for the many doors that He opens!

Currently we have a second trip scheduled for October and we are in process of recruiting teachers for the trip. The Ukrainian government has opened the doors for us to bring a total of 3-4 teachers on each trip. So if you or someone you know is a teacher who would be interested in this once in a lifetime experience, please contact Heather Karls, MDI Operations Manager at: heather@mdiweb.org for more information.


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