Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Help us celebrate Ukrainian Independence Day

On this day in the year 1991, the nation of Ukraine was born, when it declared its independence from the Soviet Union.  It was a day of great joy and celebration for the people of Ukraine, as they had great hopes for what their lives would be like as people free from the tyranny and oppression of the communist state.

However, since that day, the lives of many in Ukraine have been anything but hopeful.  Many have had a difficult time adjusting to their new found freedoms.  Communism has been replaced by unchecked corruption and exploitation by government and business leaders.  Social problems that existed under communism such as alcoholism have seemingly only gotten worse in the nearly 20 years since Ukraine became independent. 

What's more, there is now a whole generation that have equated political freedom with lives of excess and instant gratification.  HIV/AIDS is growing more rapidly here than in any other European nation, drug use is rampant, and Ukraine's abortion rates are some of the highest in the whole world.

The people of Ukraine, like so many nations, need more than just political freedom, they need to discover the freedom that is found in Jesus Christ. 

is bringing this message through JOURNEY TO FREEDOM UKRAINE and its director, Tanya Baranova

Journey to Freedom is a powerful book and accompanying 8-week course led by trained facilitators, that walks small groups of everyday people along the path to find real freedom from life controlling issues like fear, loneliness, shame, addiction, or grief - all through the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Developed by our friends at Restore Ministries, MDI has translated and published this resource and trained some very talented leaders in Ukraine to help people on their journey.  Click here to learn more.

a's own personal story is one of true redemption, as she was delivered from the depths of addiction and withstood the throes of tuberculosis by the power of Christ. Now, a licensed psychologist, Tanya is herself a powerful figure for Christ in Ukraine who can uniquely speak into people's struggles and train others how to do so.

Journey to Freedom Ukraine is actively training new leaders and starting new small groups, and spreading the word about the program to churches and ministries throughout the nation of Ukraine.  However, we need funding to allow Tanya to work full-time with Journey to Freedom Ukraine, and we desperately need a space of our own to hold meetings in Odessa, our headquarters for the program.

Please help us celebrate Ukrainian Independence Day by making an investment into a program that will help bring true freedom to this nation - Journey to Freedom Ukraine. 

$25  Covers the cost of a book for an individual
$100  Provides training for a new small group facilitator
$500  Launches a new small group
$1000  Pays the rent of a meeting space for one month

We need monthly partners as well as one time givers to keep this program going!  Please contact us if you can make a monthly commitment.Thank you for taking part with us in ministry!

In Christ,

Marti Scudder


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